What's It All About?
The Environmental Team, better known as the E Team, has been an important part of North Haven Public School for many years. It's current priorities are paper recycling, saving energy, composting and gardening.
Stage 2 classes are rostered on each term to do paper recycling. They collect paper rubbish from each classroom and the office, 2 times a week.

The Gardening Group
The gardening group is open to any student from Year 3 to Year 6. We meet once a week to get our hands dirty and are guided by Sally Saunders and Mrs Martin our very committed garden gurus. We do everything from turning the compost, planting seedlings and cuttings, mulching and our favourite, weeding.

Our Veggie Patch
The children especially love taking home the fruits of their labour. We are currently growing peas, snow peas, capsicum and spinach. We have recently planted kale for the canteen to use in their fruit juices. We also collect seeds and take them to our local libraries as a part of their seed swapping program.
A special thanks to those dedicated gardeners who come along each week.