16 Aug 2021
“Learning From Home” Work Packs
Individual "learning from Home" week 1 only work packs will be available to pick up from outside the school tomorrow from 9:30 -2:30. There will be tables set up down outside the fence near the bottom car -park with tubs labelled with your child's class. Each pack will be labelled with your child's name. There will also be a tub of labelled pencil cases and other items for each class that we think will be important for your child as they learn from home. Please make sure you check to see if your child's pencil case is in the tub.
The packs will be out for pick -up until Thursday. If the lock down continues after the weekend, we will continue to provide fortnightly work-packs for parents to collect. More details on that to come.
As parents, you need to be kind to yourselves during this time. Do not attempt to have your children working all day and if you have any concerns with the work, please contact the class teacher. It is anticipated that the children will have up to 1 to 2 hours of class work a day – depending on their age. The rest of their day can be filled with some outdoor physical activities, watching a movie, drawing, writing, reading, counting, gardening, cooking or art/craft-based activities. If you have more than one child, then you could roster their activities so that you are only supporting one at a time with their class work to prevent it becoming too hard with the multiple demands.
Remember to take photos of your child's activities to share with their classroom teacher over the week.
Please take care and thank you for supporting our teaching and school community to stop the spread of COVID-19.
NHPS learning Hub: